Personnel Qualification for Permanent Joints – Personnel Certification
In the manufacturing of pressure equipment, permanent joints are often made by welding. The Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU (Annex 1, Section 3.1.2) defines the approval procedures for individuals involved in making permanent joints. As a Notified Body, Finspection Oy has the authority to approve the qualifications of personnel involved in the making of permanent joints.
In the manufacturing of pressure equipment, the directive requires the involvement of a third party in the qualification of personnel involved in permanent joints for equipment falling under categories II to IV. By collaborating with Finspection, you ensure that your personnel meet the requirements of the directive and European standards.
Finspection Oy is an accredited certification body.
Qualification is conducted in accordance with the followinYour Title Goes Hereg harmonized standards:
- SFS-EN ISO 9606-1 Qualification testing of welders – Fusion Welding – Part 1: Steels
- SFS-EN ISO 9606-2 Qualification testing of welders – Fusion Welding – Part 2: Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
- SFS-EN ISO 9606-3 Qualification testing of welders – Fusion Welding – Part 3: Copper and Copper Alloys
- SFS-EN ISO 9606-4 Qualification testing of welders – Fusion Welding – Part 4: Nickel and Nickel Alloys
- SFS-EN ISO 9606-5 Qualification testing of welders – Fusion Welding – Part 5: Titanium and Titanium Alloys, Zirconium, and Zirconium Alloys
- SFS-EN ISO 14732 Welding Personnel – Qualification testing of welding operators and weld setters for mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials
- SFS-EN ISO 13585 Brazing – Qualification testing of brazers and brazing operators
Our skilled and independent personnel across Finland carry out the certification process upon request. Personnel qualification is the certification of welding or brazing personnel, and the following process and instructions should be followed:
Price of the Welder’s Qualification Test
Order our price list here or request a quote for the welder’s qualification test from Henrik, tel. 041 318 0787.
As a new customer, you can initiate the personnel certification process by submitting an application through our customer portal or by downloading the application and sending it via email to
If you already have credentials for our customer portal, you can submit the application there.
The application includes rules and terms and conditions related to the applicant and certification, which the applicant accepts when submitting the application.
Our personnel will process your application and get in touch with you regarding the practical arrangements and schedule for the examination. If the application requires additional information, we will inform the applicant accordingly.
- Welder’s Qualification Application PDF (form to be saved to your computer before filling)
- Operator’s Qualification Application PDF (form to be saved to your computer before filling)
- Brazer’s Qualification Application PDF
Detailed Process Description for Personnel Certification PDF

Phone: 010 348 0660
Finspection Oy 3309937-7
Tehtaantie 28, 60100 Seinäjoki
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