Official ASME Authorized Inspection Agency Services
In collaboration with TÜV Thüringen, Finspection offers official ASME Authorized Inspection Agency services in Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Estonia.
With our in-house staff, Finspection provides the complete ASME AIA (Authorized Inspection Agency) service.
We offer all necessary AIA services for achieving ASME certification using domestic resources.
Our personnel hold Authorized Inspector (AI) qualifications, Authorized Inspector Supervisor (AIS)
qualifications, and Repair Inspector (R) qualifications for repair work. Our inspection services cover
the following ASME product codes:
- Section I, Power Boilers
- Section IV, Heating Boilers
- Section VIII Div.1, 2 & 3, Pressure Vessels
- Section X, Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
- Section XII, Transport Tanks
- ASME B31.1 – Power Piping
- NBIC – National Board Inspection Code
Please see our extensive range of services on our partners website.
We offer ASME Code-compliant training and workshops in Finnish or English:
- Our partner, CIS GmbH, is an ASME Authorized Training Provider for ASME Global Courses.
- Customized training for specific projects or codes
- Public seminars
- Annual Exchange of Experience for ASME stamp holders
CIS GmbH organizes the annual ASME Code Weeks training sessions online from June 5 to June 23. Registration and other information and schedules are
available at CIS Inspector.
We are happy to assist with any inquiries and needs related to the ASME code.
For more information:
Timo Ojanperä
Boiler and pressure vessel specialist
+358 50 540 9243

Phone: 010 348 0660
Finspection Oy 3309937-7
Tehtaantie 28, 60100 Seinäjoki
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